Turn 180 degrees around and you behold the face of El Capitan. Does anyone remember the Star Trek movie that had Kirk and Bones climbing a mountain, and Spock flying by in his antigrav boots and rescuing Bones when he fell? (or was it kirk.) Anyway they were climbing El Capitan.
El Capitan (even in this picture) is dotted with scores of crazy people with scant regard for their lives climbing it. They are barely visible with the naked eye, so far away is it from the viewer (we drove up nearly to the foot of the mountain and could barely make the climbers out unless aided with binoculars). To give you an idea of how tall El Capitan is, and how mad the climbers are, El Capitan stands at 20,000 feet tall, and takes four to five days to climb. You sleep on the rock face. Turning over in your sleep might have less than pleasant consequences. One of the other tourists (of course) asked what happens if you need to take a leak or a poo. The answer is you carry a thermos flask thingie around with you. Just make sure you don't mix up the coffee and... heh heh. Will our hero survive El Capitan? Tune in next week! How's that for the ultimate Cliffhangar.
One day, I'll climb me a real mountain...
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