These friendly folks waved at me as their fancy ship (with swimming pool, sundeck and helipad) steamed under the bridge where I was standing. I considered my options : a) spit b) wave back -- and decided to wave back congenially. Hey, I was having a good time... I did wonder what would happen if I accidentally dropped something onto the ship. And toyed with the idea of scribbling a message on a piece of paper, folding it into a plane and dropping it down onto them. Summat like "Will the blonde girl with the nice blue eyes please marry me." or "your momma has smelly feet." A short while later, a supertanker laden with containers steamed into harbour which dwarfed even this monstrosity (which put our own Star Cruise's.. Queen Elizabeth, is it? to shame. Hell it even made the golden gate bridge look small, and it was nearly as large as Alcatraz Island, I kid you not)
Yeah... waving was probably THEIR second option too.
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