They call this one the Tunnel Tree. As you can see, there is a tunnel in it. It was wide and tall enough to fit a horse carriage through, in days long past. Today, it fits a minivan full of tourists through with some effort. However, the trail has now been closed to vehicular traffic. This particular tree burnt to death. Nobody can figure out how it managed this, seeing as it's fireproof. Shrug. Oh yes, and for those who are interested in trivia, these trees do not have tap roots, meaning all 250 feet of them is supported by little superficial roots spreading out around the base of the tree. Reassuring, eh? (I don't get it. My brain doesn't remember things when I want it to, but stomp along with brain in cruise mode and near everything our guide said stuck in my head... for instance, the acorns of this tree are about one by one centimetre, absolutely minute. It's conckers!